Monday, November 18, 2013

Students' Future and Higher Tax...!!!

     After reading through Cung Doan’s post, I strongly agree with him. On his post, he explains how some states are trying to improve their education systems. Being able to do so, they are raising the tax. More money would be available. The support for tax increase is called Amendment 66. America’s education system is free until 12th grade. However, it is not completely free. Student still have to pay for their meals, or extra classes such as band, music. In these extra classes, student are required to equip instrument themselves. In fact, they cannot borrow it for free, they have to pay some amount of money, we can call “rental fee”. Some students are really gifted, but they cannot afford these fee, they gave up. Amendment 66 will bring more opportunities to the students like them. It can help them fully develop their strength without worry about the tuition. With more money, the school’s standard quality can be improved. There will not be much different between schools. Students cannot make fun at each other like you are from a worst school, I am from a best school. As a result, students will find more interested in being at school.  The Amendment will bring thousands of students back to school, open up their future. I hope people after reading your post will take more serious about paying tax. They are not paying tax for nothing, they are paying tax for their children’s future.

Monday, November 4, 2013


        During World War II, as rationing made it more difficult for families to find beef, American butchers across the country sold horse meat, and consumers literally ate it up. At roughly half the cost of beef, horse was served as a protein supplement until well after the war in some places, though (MORAFF).
        Today, horsemeat will be sold legally in America. According to Foxnews,  the slaughter of horses for human consumption could legally resume in the United States as early as this week following a decision by a New Mexico judge who dismissed a push by animal rights groups to stop the practice. This is a mistake of law makers. The slaughter of horses for meat is not only inhumane, but it is also harmful in many ways.
        Horsmeat is not safe for human. Originally, horse are not raised for food. They are raised and treated as companion animals. Now, the government has no system to track medical histories for horses. Testing random sample of horsemeat does not seem to be a solution, because each horse is unique. Overall, horsemeat is not safe.
         The U.S. Department of Agriculture has documented that 92.3 percent of horses sent to slaughter are in good condition and are able to live out productive lives. Kill buyers go to auctions to find the fat, healthy animals that will bring the most money for their meat, and aren’t interested in old or sick horses. Why would we kill a healthy horse? Horses are like  cats, or dogs; somehow, they are our friends. Killing them for food is so inhumane. Some people will question "Why would we kill a health pig for food?" It is because of the historical. At the very begging of human history, we raised pig for food, cause they grow fast. An we raise horse as companion animals because they are strong, and loyal. 
       Horse Slaughter is the opposite of "mercy killing". There is no way a horse can be humanely slaughtered in an industrialized setting. We should have learned that lesson by now.

                                                             Works Cited
             MORAFF, CHRISTOPHER. Philadelphia . 21 February 2013.